Food Safety
I'm so glad you're here! Food safety is super important so it's awesome to know that you will follow my recommendations correctly.
Our savoury grazing boxes that include the likes of cheese, meat, grapes etc. require immediate refrigeration! This box has been kept cool until the time of delivery, so once you receive it, please place it straight into the fridge.
We recommended taking it out of the fridge approx. 15 minutes prior to when you'd like to eat it, so that the ingredients are almost at room temperature.
All products within the box must be consumed within 3 hours of receiving (this is 3 hours of the box not being in the fridge. Please note consumption of said products beyond the said period shall be at your own risk.
Our pastry boxes can be kept at room temperature/ in a space that is cool/ out of sunlight. Pastry boxes must be eaten on the same day and consumption of said products beyond the said period shall be at your own risk. If you do have left overs, it would be in your best interest to place these products within an airtight container or else they will go hard.
Panini packs are recommend to be eaten immediately and on the same day. If not being eaten right away, they must be kept in the fridge although we wouldn't recommend keeping them in for too long, or else the bread may go hard. Please note consumption of said products beyond the said period shall be at your own risk.
The Creative Edit shall not be liable for any resulting damage, injury or sickness whatsoever, whether remote or proximate, for failure to consume the same within said period or for the customer’s failure to take health, safety and hygienic measures in the consumption and handling thereof.